Be grateful for what you have, not bitter about what you don't.

My husband and his twin brother were turning 40 and I wanted them to spend this monumental moment together. Being that they live all the way across the country from each other, I thought this would be a great opportunity to meet somewhere fun, and get as many of the family members together for the occasion. We just returned from a 10 day vacation to Florida where we stayed with an Aunt & Uncle and had an amazing time. It was a wonderful trip. There were four generations of family in one place and we had the opportunity to experience several new things. The kids ate alligator, frog legs, mahi mahi, crab, conch, and grouper. They held an alligator, touched a turtle, went frog hunting, road a motor cycle, and shot a BB gun for the first time. My husband even had a chance to swim with sharks. I'll tell ya, if this trip would've been a year earlier I would have spent most of the time quietly being sad that I can no longer take trips like this with my family. But instead I am i...