I used to be his angel, and now he is mine!

Today marks the fifth anniversary of my dad's passing on to heaven. The daily sadness definitely has dissipated, but the anniversary day always stings the same. Unfortunately I can remember it like it was yesterday. The strength of my aunt who had diligently stayed by his bedside for 21 straight days, the peace of my mother as she kissed her sweet soul mate into heaven, and the saving grace of my cousin who walked mom and I through those first few hours with out him. They all played such a significant role in my journey through that time. They are also, ironically three of the strongest woman I know. My husband and I are also blessed with never forgetting this date. A year after my dad's passing we were given this day as our sons due date. I cut a deal with my doctor...and god, that I did not want a lion king moment. No "Circle of Life" crap. I wanted our child to have his own day, and I was going to will that to happen no matter what. Thankfully everyone followed th...