A picture is worth a thousand words.

I love the phrase "A picture is worth a thousand words". Above you will see two of my favorite pictures of all times. Thanks to Amazon Prime Photos these memories un-expectantly dropped in my lap over the last couple of days. My dad was about 11 months into his treatment plan here. That exact moment wasn't capturing a picture of a man with cancer, it was encapsulating the pure joy of a grandpa holding his grand baby. He didn't even know I took the photo...but my daughter obviously did. 😉 My mom's picture shows the crazy close bond that she had with my daughter. They were two peas in a pod and were always caught giving each other a tight squeeze. Just a few days ago, my son (who was 2 when mom passed away) told me that he had a happy dream about Grammy in her yellow rain coat. I thought to myself this morning when I looked at this picture, "Huh, there's that bright and sunny rain coat". I do believe that life gives you...