Glass half full.

On the last day of our vacation to the Oregon Coast I took the dogs on a long walk on the beach by myself. My dad and I used to take that same walk every morning and talk about life. He seemed to use that time to help gently guide me in the right direction in my career. I never had a pushy father that would tell me what to do with my life. He would instead ask me simple life questions that would force me to ponder my course. It always seemed to redirect my ship and put me back on track. While walking in silence this morning, I spent time talking to him, like I would have any other year. Something that people don’t tell you about the loss of your parents, is that, depending on where you are in life, the silence on the other end of the conversation can sometimes be crippling. You have no way of knowing if you’re on the right path, if they are proud of you. Other significant people in your life can tell you they are proud of you, but the feeling is never the same. Once you accept ...